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spam emails and abuse@gmail.com

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Hello to who is interested with this topic. 


I have been receiving spam emails for a while from the sender who is using my official name and family name. I am really annoyed by this case. The spam emails nearly made my spam folder section full on my gmail account. Their content are immoral and vulgar. How can we stop this person using my name and sending these dingy spam mails by abusing my identity? I am not sure those spam emails were also sent to other email accounts in my gmail records. Additionally, I tried to resolve this issue by myself and I have no experience about this sort of issues. Somewhere it was written to inform the related office about it by emailing abuse@gmail.com. However, I later discovered that abuse@gmail.com was also a scam. So, can anyone help me with this spam, scam problems? Is there any resolution? 





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That is not necessarily a scam but it is NOT an authoritative/official Google Abuse email address.

General Abuse:  abuse@google.comGoogle Network: arin-contact@google.comGoogle Groups:  groups-abuse@google.comGoogle GMail:   gmail-abuse@google.com

Noting official Google email addresses use the google.com Domain

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  • Staff

Details on how to report abuse to Google are shown here: https://www.google.com/intl/en_us/goodtoknow/online-safety/reporting-abuse/


Sadly, it's a waste of time sending them emails as they require all abuse issues to be submitted via a web based form.


Some info explaining spoofing which will help you understand what goes on and happens: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_spoofing

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Thanks Mr. David, and Mr. Spud. 


Mr. David, I emailed this issue to the related email addresses you suggested. I hope they will find a solution to this because this really made me annoyed.


I may inform you about the result after google representatives contacts me.

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additionally ...

you might consider getting a different email account (other than yahoo and google) .

the spam filtering and *complaint* departments at these email account providers tends be more concerned about what is going on .

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