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Can Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium is compatible with Bitdefender Total Security 2015

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Hi All....

I installed Bitdefender Total Security 2015 in my computer but when I tried to install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium in my computer its installation process automatically stopped without copying Malwarebytes files in my computer.I also tried to install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium by disable Bitdefender Total Security 2015.But unable to install it.I wants to know can Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium is compatible with Bitdefender Total Security 2015. 


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Hello Harjinder and :welcome:
If you refer to Malwarebytes Compatibility with Antivirus Products, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v2.1.8.1057 (MBAM) (Free, Trial or Premium) you see that MBAM is compatible with Bitdefender Total Security 2015.


You stated above that you "disable(d) Bitdefender Total Security 2015.But unable to install it." Please expand on that and relate what was reported during the time Bitdefender was disabled and you attempted to install MBAM.


Attaching screenshots of error/failure messages to this topic would be helpful.


Thank you.

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I use 2015 Bitdefender Total Security with MBAM Premium and with MB Anti-Exploit.  I did experience a problem updating MBAM on one of my computers (the first one I tried to update).  I turned off all BDTS virus scanning and the firewall, and the MBAM install still failed.  In checking the BD logs, BD was detecting an "intrusion."  I turned off "Intrusion Protection" and the install went fine.  Did that with my remaining two computers and the MBAM update was successful.


There was a thread here awhile ago that said that BD had updated itself to allow the MBAM update.  Are your BD definitions up-to-date, and have you rebooted, if required to do so by BD to complete its update (about every month or so it needs a reboot)?


Remember to turn your protection back on after the update, and just to keep your computer "happy", reboot after the MBAM update.  You can also add the .exe files in the MBAM folder to your BD exclusions.  I had done that, but the new MBAM update has an additional .exe file: mabamresearch.exe which had not been entered in my BD exclusions, so perhaps that is what triggered the MBAM update failure I encountered until I also turned off the BD Intrusion Protection.  This should further reduce the possibility of BD interfering with MBAM.


Hope this helps, and have a great day.  Welcome to the MB Forums.





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Hello Harjinder and :welcome:


If you refer to Malwarebytes Compatibility with Antivirus Products, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v2.1.8.1057 (MBAM) (Free, Trial or Premium) you see that MBAM is compatible with Bitdefender Total Security 2015.


You stated above that you "disable(d) Bitdefender Total Security 2015.But unable to install it." Please expand on that and relate what was reported during the time Bitdefender was disabled and you attempted to install MBAM.


Attaching screenshots of error/failure messages to this topic would be helpful.


Thank you.

Sir when I disable Bitdefender Total Security 2015 and tried to install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v2.1.8.1057 the installation automatically stopped without copy files to my computer Malicious application detected error message was displayed when I allow it and again try to install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v2.1.8.1057 same error message again displayed.Kindly help me.

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Hello Harjinder:

Since something is keeping MBAM from being installed and remedial actions are not permitted in this sub-forum, I recommend following the advice from the topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and have one of the Malware Removal Experts assist you with your issue.

If, as recommended, you do open a topic in Malware Removal Help, please make reference to this thread.

If you would like to get off to a very fast start, the Malware Removal Experts would appreciate it if you would also Copy and Paste (not attach) both the FRST.txt and the Addition.txt output diagnostic reports from only Log Set 1 into your new topic. Please do not tick, nor untick, any FRST categories as they are pre-configured by Farbar.

Thank you.

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