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Trouble with updates

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I am having the same problem for about two weeks now, where MBAM is updating successfully but reporting "unable to access update server".

I first noticed it after I installed and then uninstalled Malwarebyte's Anti-Exploit, so I'm wondering if there could be a configuration issue / bug somewhere.

I ran through the Removal at https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/146017-mbam-clean-removal-process-2x/, and my system time seems to be correct so I don't see what the issue would be other than a bug somewhere in MBAM.


Another possible reason could be that I installed MBAM from an unpriviliged user account by elevating to admin account with UAC password prompt, and I have been running / updating MBAM via the unpriviliged user. It could indicate a misconfiguration since the user running it is technically different than the user it was installed under. This seems to be an issue with a lot of installed programs in Windows when installing from elevated admin UAC prompt.

Unix OSes seem to do a much better job with not causing problems by running mostly as unpriviliged and using su , etc.

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