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Ok I downloaded the new melwarbytes and it won't update!

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ok so I got a pop up saying that there was a new version of Malwarebytes so I let it update to 2.1.8. I had 2.0, but NOW when I click update now it won't update to the latest version  my database version is 2015.6.3 and it will not update it keeps saying Checking for updates I did a malwarebytes cleen uninstall and I just installed it again and it still won't update I am using free and I have windows XP

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  • Root Admin

No there is only an issue with some single CPU users. This is most often found on XP but can potentially affect users on other versions of Windows.

The issue you're explaining appears to be a database rules update issue which is not the same thing.

Please read the following and post back the 3 requested logs.

Diagnostic Logs

Thank you

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I will soon I had an old  2.0 setup file so I did a malware bytes cleen thing then ran the setup  and I can update the database ... I'm running   but the database version  is 2015.07.08.04  so it's ok for now

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I will not! I tried downloading the recovery scan tool and my AVG blocked it as a trojon horse! I updated my program again and still cant update my database never mind I will delete this program later and just run my AVG if I can't update

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  • Root Admin

The logs show signs of possible infection or damage maybe done by an infection. As we don't do malware removal in this section of the forum I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


Thank you



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