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Hi all... Launched Malwarebytes free this morning went through the update process, said there was a new version available downloaded and installed that now it will not update database. Re-installed but still no joy, is the server down or something.

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Hello and welcome back:


There are many possible reasons for updating issues, including corrupt installation, software conflict, system network/connectivity issues, malware and (rarely) temporary server issues.  It's hard to say -- without knowing the error message you're seeing when you try to update, we cannot be sure about what might be going on.


I know you said you reinstalled, but it's not clear if you followed the best practices, including use of the removal tool.  So, if rebooting the computer does not resolve the issue, I suggest the following:

Please let us know how it goes.


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  • Hi.

Sorry for delay....I tried uninstall and reinstall, re your first suggestion with my AV of and then on again ,I am running Norton internet security....no luck

I checked nortons firewall rules to see if it was blocked....full access

I then looked in the progdata file....there was nothing inside the malwarebytes folder

I disconnected from internet ran malwarebytes again because it could not connect to internet it ran full scan...all clear went back to programdata file loads of files inside including database file....ran update again still no look

Remembered I had old version on usb stick installed that, updated database ok and works fine (old version)

Will try your second suggestion in a few days if nothing changes

thank you for your help it is much appreciated

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Thanks for the update. :)

The steps you took aren't quite what was suggested.

A proper, clean reinstall will solve most minor issues on an uninfected, undamaged, properly configured system.

That's why it is suggested as the first step.

When it doesn't, then the requested diagnostic logs often point to an underlying cause.


Alas, rolling back to an older, outdated program version won't help us to help you to solve the problems you're experiencing with the current build.

And we still don't know the exact error message you may have seen -- was it "unable to access update server" or something else?


In any event,  we respectfully suggest the following:

  • Please follow ALL the steps in this pinned topic to uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest build - MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)

If you prefer to be assisted one-on-one via email, rather than here at the forum, then you may wish to log a ticket at the Help Desk >>>HERE<<<.


Either way, however, someone will need to see at least those 3 basic logs, in order to begin troubleshooting. ;)


Take care, :)

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I did follow your first suggestion by using the removal tool and doing a fresh install with av turned off when directed to...this did not solve the problem.

There is no error message, the programme launches and says your database is out of date, I then click on update now the blue bar just keeps going round and round instead of doing that for a few seconds then downloading the updates which is what used to happen...if that makes sense

I did try to get the logs but my av stopped the programme from running

I think the problem is with norton as I recently did an update with that

I will disable my av and get the logs

Sorry for the misunderstanding and thank you again for your help

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Thanks for the update and clarification. :)
Well, it's possible that Norton might be blocking MBAM from updating.
You could try setting mutual exclusions between the programs.
The attached screen shot shows an example of excluding an AV from MBAM.
The MBAM files to exclude in Norton are listed below.
If that doesn't work, then there's not much we can do without the 3 diagnostic logs. :(
FRST is perfectly safe -- it is a tool created by one of our forum experts, farbar.  It is run 100s of times daily here and at other help venues.
If need be, try temporarily pausing Norton in order to download and run it.  Then resume Norton protection.
It would greatly help us to help you if you could please post the 3 logs.

They may point to a reason why you are having trouble updating MBAM.
Thank you again,

Please exclude the following files from your Antivirus Software for your version of Windows:

For 32 bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8:

  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbam.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamdor.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbampt.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamresearch.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe

For 64 bit versions of Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbam.exe
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamdor.exe
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbampt.exe
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamresearch.exe
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbamscheduler.exe

Note: If you are using a software firewall besides the built in Windows Firewall, you'll need to exclude MBAM.EXE, MBAMSERVICE.EXE and MBAMRESEARCH.EXE from it, as well.

Note: Once that's done, please make sure that if either of those programs has any sort of web filter, that you add the following as a trusted site:



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