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Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions - Windows

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  • Root Admin

BSOD Posting Instructions
Windows 10 - 8.1 - 8 - 7 - Vista


1. Download the Sysnative BSOD Dump + System File Collection App - save to Documents folder -


PLEASE NOTE: Firefox users have reported problems while trying to download the app and may need to use another browser besides Firefox to download the app. We are trying to resolve this problem.

2. Run the app - Double-click on the downloaded EXE file

Output = new folder created in Documents + a zipped version -- SysnativeFileCollectionApp folder + SysnativeFileCollectionApp.zip.
Please note that the app averages just a few minutes to run on most systems; other systems - it my take as long as 10-15 minutes to run. Please be patient. You'll notice on your Taskbar that there are numerous CMD screens. This is normal as the app runs Windows EXE files, custom batch script files as well as custom VBS script files and each one requires its own CMD prompt (screen).
Also note: The app auto-zips the SysnativeFileCollectionApp output folder. It is located in your Documents folder.
Windows Explorer should open and highlight the zipped folder upon completion of the app.

3. Create a new thread HERE and attach the zip file (SysnativeFileCollectionApp.zip) 


NOTE: The app auto-zips the SysnativeFileCollectionApp output folder. It is located in your Documents folder. Windows Explorer should open and highlight the zipped folder - SysnativeFileCollectionApp.zip

Please do not modify the output files

4. Please provide answers for (answer the best that you can) -
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· OS - Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista ?
· x86 (32-bit) or x64 ?
· What was original installed OS on system?
· Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)?
· Age of system (hardware)
· Age of OS installation - have you re-installed the OS?

· Video Card
· MotherBoard - (if NOT a laptop)
· Power Supply - brand & wattage (skip if laptop)

· System Manufacturer
· Exact model number (if laptop, check label on bottom)

· Laptop or Desktop?

5. While waiting for a reply -
· Run - Driver Verifier - Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 & Vista
· Run - HDD Diagnostics
· Test - RAM

Useful information!

The Sysnative BSOD Dump + System File Collection App does not get installed (it is a stand-alone EXE) nor does it make any changes to the registry. It only creates the SysnativeFileCollectionApp output folder + a zipped version - both located in Documents folder. You can delete them at any time, but we suggest that you wait until our work together is completed before doing so.

Regards. . .


Edited by AdvancedSetup
corrected font issue
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