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Malicious Website detection disabled- I tried all your steps

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I followed all of the steps in the pinned post. I even uninstalled and reinstalled and restarted my computer numerous times. When I go to the settings: detection and prevention and try to click the "enable" for the Malicous Website Detection it immediately clicks back to "disabled." Does this mean I have malware that is preventing me from finding and removing it?

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Hello and :welcome: :

I know you said that you tried reinstalling, but it's not clear from your post if you used the removal tool? So, to get to a known, "clean" point to start troubleshooting, I suggest the following:

Please let us know how it goes.


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Have you got admin rights? That's what prevented me once from disabling/enabling malware protection and malicious web protection.


Hello and :welcome: :

I know you said that you tried reinstalling, but it's not clear from your post if you used the removal tool? So, to get to a known, "clean" point to start troubleshooting, I suggest the following:

Please let us know how it goes.


I tried the clean removal and reinstall (w/o the trial version checked) no luck. I'll run the diagnostics and the 3 things you need screen prints of when I have more time.

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Yes, when you are ready, please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)

Note: they are not "screen prints". They will be log files (*.txt file format) that you just need to attach to your next reply in this thread. :)
Instructions for attaching the logs are below:

  • Click the "More Reply Options" button in the lower right of the message pane
  • Click the "Browse" button, on the lower left, near the paperclip
  • Navigate to the log file on your desktop
  • Double-click the file to load it
  • Click the "Attach This File" button
  • Repeat for the other logs




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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, it's my personal home computer....so I would imagine I do.


Mine's too. I do it because I once wanted an easy layer of protection against unauthorized program changes/installs while I was AFK and forgot to lock my computer, or a user had gotten remote access to my system (it would only protect against scriptkiddies though -- but I digress). The issue I once had with MBAM while using a non-admin priviliged account, that I couldn't change the settings and the system didn't tell me why (normally you'd have to enter a password, but in this case it wasn't asked for). I had to specifically log onto my admin account to be able to make the necessary changes. So there you go.

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Hello PostHEX:
It is less confusing for everyone if we adhere to this subforum's "one member/user per topic" policy.
If you are experiencing an issue with MBAM, please start a NEW, and SEPARATE topic by left-clicking this >>cjfj.png<< button.
Staffers, experts, and helpers will be able to more easily provide both you, and the OP/Topic Starter, with individualized assistance to get you both up and running.
Thank you always for your patience and understanding. :)

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Sheesh, I was just trying to help. So much for that I guess. :)

For the most part, Once one of the long time members have started to help and ask for logs we wait and see what to logs tell us and sometimes defer to one of staff. The staff does not want help topics to get full of conflicting information from so many members. Just as so many topics end up referred to the malware section because the tools to actually fix problems are not allowed to be run anywhere else.

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