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Browser Issues, please help.

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I just finished my computer build, and installed MBAM. With malwarebytes running, when I load an internet page other than Google or Yahoo in any browser malwarebytes blocks me form connecting to the sites.Giving me this a screen saying "This webpage is not available". When I exit the program I can connect to any site with no issues. When I turn off malicious website monitoring I can connect to any page however after about an hour it gives me the same connectivity troubles as if it were turned on.


OS is Windows 7 (64bit).

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  • Root Admin

The event logs show that the computer appears to have multiple issue with services crashing.


Intel® Active Management Technology Local Management Service (LMS) - is one of them.

Software Protection Platform Service (Microsoft Office) services keeps crashing or is unable to contact Microsoft.


Errors indicate that a disk check would also be in order. I would recommend you run a full disk check.


From an elevated admin command prompt type the following.




Then press Y to say yes to run it after restart. Then restart and let it run the disk check.


Are you sure MS Office is a legally licensed copy and activated properly? Which is odd because the installation log does not show you have MS Office installed either.


I'd do the disk check first. Then see if that helps fix some of these errors. Bottom line is there are a lot of errors for a newly installed version of Windows.

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  • Root Admin

Well don't think the computer is infected but probably best to go through some scans to make sure and if found remove. Then can concentrate more on trying to fix the damage done. Or if you're up to it and this is a new fresh build try another format and reinstall of Windows. Choice is up to you but there is odd damage for a new install.


I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


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