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MBAE and IE 11 SmartScreen


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I currently have MBAM Premium installed.  I am considering installing MBAE and have the following questions: -


  1. Is MBAE similar in operation to IE 11 SmartScreen ?
  2. Will MBAE and IE 11 SmartScreen work together without issues ?
  3. As a MBAM Premium customer which version of MBAE should I install - Free or Premium ?
  4. If "Premium" is this free to Premium customers or an additional licence ?




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Hi Tabvla,


1- No MBAE is completely proactive in nature. It monitors the behavior of IE (and other apps), while SmartScreen and traditional security works by relying on reactive signatures. The difference is that SmartScreen needs to have seen a bad URL first before it can block it, while MBAE can block new, unknown and previously unseen exploit attacks from any URL or file.


2- Yes MBAE works alongside SmartScreen and other traditional endpoint security like antivirus.


3- You can install either MBAE Free, which provides protection for browsers, browser add-ons and Java. This will provide protection for all the Exploit Kits in the wild (and more). If you use Office and Acrobat Reader a lot you might want to consider MBAE Premium instead. Alternatively if you use LibreOffice and another PDF reader, it is not as necessary to use MBAE Premium.


4- MBAE is a different product than MBAM, so it is an additional license.


If you have any more questions feel free to ask.


PS: moving this thread to the Questions sub-forum.

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