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Hi, when having enabled real-time protection also from IP's/connections it's almost impossible to have a multiplayer game since it can block or restrict the backend server functionality, no i'm not talking

about a random game that has fairly unknown networking systems, but for example just like the more popular games.. Call of Duty modern warfare & later, having specially forwarded my ports and stuff to let it run smooth (or not, doesnt matter) to then find out Malwarebytes detects that as potential threat and makes it unplayable in words of connection drops, timeouts and such by restricting those connections.


I understand that ip's, ports, combinations of network connectivity can look suspicious if it's not familiar with Malwarebytes, but through these security policies it is generally not possible to have a good game while Malwarebytes protection runs. Not only speaking about sensitivity, also as those are the world's top games it should be fairly easy to learn about the IP's, networking systems the publisher uses for the gaming multiplayer rooms, and avoid interrupting gaming


Now im turning Malwarebytes realtime off each time im gonna go game, not only Call of duty but also Battlefield 4, and such.. can there be something fixed about this? I'm not the kind of person that rather sees all (including legit traffic) connectivity on my PC being seen as possibly malicious by the self-claimed ''intelligent analysis'' techniques of open connections that base on reputation of ip's or whatever..

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