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[SOLVED] Conflict between MBAE and MBAM


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I bought licenses for both MBAM and MBAE.  Running a nearly brand new Windows 8.1 computer.  I didn't know whether to post this in the MBAM or MBAE forum, so I made an educated guess...


Here's my story:


If  install MBAM first, I can add the license key with no problem and all seems good.  I can reboot and MBAM starts up with no problem.  I can run a full scan and all appears clean.


If I then try to install MBAE, I get a pop up box saying "ShellexecuteEx Failed... Application not found".


If I uninstall MBAM, I am then able to install MBAE. I can add the license key and all seems good.  I can reboot and MBAE starts up normally.


If I then install MBAM, it picks up the license I previously applied and all appears good.


Now comes the fun part.  I reboot.


When I log back into Windows, MBAM starts up and is runing normally (per the icon in the system tray).


MBAE indicates that it's the "free" version - no longer premium. 


If I open up MBAE, I see the "activate" button again.  If I click it, I am prompted for the ID and key, which I copy over, click ok, and MBAE freezes for about 3 minutes, after which it comes back and tells me my ID or key are invalid.


If I open up MBAM, the MBAM window is dramatically stretched horizontally, to the point where nothing it really legible.  I would estimate that the window extends about 5 screen widths.  I am unable to contract the size.


If I uninstall MBAE and reboot, MBAM goes back to normal.


If I uninstall MBAM, I can reinstall MBAE and get it working again.


Lather, rinse, repeat.


Am I doing something wrong?





Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit.zip

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Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting JerryBell.


The archive you attached contains the files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit. What we need to troubleshoot are the files from C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit.



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