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I have a single machine (so far) at work with MBAM installed. We have plenty of rules on our proxy, but MBAM can't ever get through. So, my question is, what kind of traffic does MBAM use to contact and download the update servers? It doesn't seem like it's normal HTTP(S) traffic; that would pass (almost) without problem.

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Hey Lazz, thanks for the reply. Yep, I have the settings in, and most other programs work correctly through the proxy, except MBAM. I am currently on Premium Last db update was January 28, 2015. Which is weird, since I brought this laptop home a week or so ago....Maybe I need to update manually when I bring it home?


Anyway, yeah, I've attempted to use the proxy with and without authentication; no go in either case. Not a big deal, since I am the only one with it installed currently.

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Only error I see is on the main screen; 'Update server could not be contacted', or something similar. I don't have the laptop with me at the moment, but I will check for updates when I get it home. I know without the proxy (e.g., at home, hotel, etc) it updates fine, but when I re-enable the proxy (or leave it off) at work, it doesn't update at all.

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