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Found coworker at my pc with usb drive plugged in and strange programs

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Hi. So this is a strange situation, I was on the phone today while at work and stepped away from my desk and my work laptop. While I was gone I found a coworker sitting at my desk with a usb drive plugged in. I was finishing up the call and kinda nonverbal said "what the hell are you doing" before he quickly seemed to close out of stuff. I got off the phone and he said his computer was messed up and he had to check the thumb drive... It was very strange and left me feeling uncomfortable.


I am at home now and used my personal computer to download this program called LastActivityView which shows a log of activities and sure enough during the time I was on the phone a number of executables appeared.


I tried to Google the names of the files but really have not came up with much but some of them could be from a Windows update? Here is a pic of the Activity log below.


I was on the phone from 1:20pm until 1:29pm. I am absolutely certain of that and I did not touch my computer during those times. So the last program that I used was the PDF application at 1:19:11 pm and then the next time I used it was 1:30:18pm.


Can anyone please tell me how to figure out what happened? It makes me feel very uncomfortable and violated but I can not make much of a claim with out definitive proof. Thanks!



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A company PC should be dealt with by a company declared IT employee.


This sub-forum is for retail customers on home computers.


For all we know that "co-worker" had authorization do whatever he/she was doing.  An employer, on employer furnished equipment, can do whatever they want.  Including, but not limited to, installing Keylogging software.

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