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Hi - I have noticed yesterday that there are vmnat.exe ICMP connections to random ips. I think that is suspicious but I am not sure as I don't understand what ICMP protocol is capable to do (may be downloading spyware to my system ?).


It kept doing that for serveral hours after I first noticed it. At that time I didn't have any virtual machine runing and I didn't even power on any virtual machine at that day.

It was only connecting to random ips when I entered a full screen mode of my video player or when I lock the computer. I tried about 6 times to get sure of that by looking at my firewall window. It can't be noticed at task manager Networking as it uses very little bandwidth.


It stopped doing that on its own without even restarting the computer so nothing shows at my firewall after exiting fullscreen mode.


Example of ips (I could only see ICMP) about 5-7 different connections each time after exiting fullscreen >>

VMNAT.EXE    186.Red-83-63-219.staticIP.rima-tde.net    ICMP Traffic    159    0 (the last two is sent | Received bytes) ..

The most other connections are similar with few bytes sent and nothing Received.

and here is others that I didn't copy their full log (have them at screenshot only)



so my questions are, is that suspicious or not ? could I get spyware downloaded through that ICMP connections ?
It worth mentioning I am always careful about I install and while browsing and my system doesn't show any signs of infection.

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We're sorry. It looks like your topic was somehow overlooked. Due to the length of time we'll go ahead and close this topic now but if you still actually need help please send a private message to one of the Moderators and we'll assist you.

Thank you and sorry we missed your topic.

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