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Barracuda Malware Removal Tool Deployment.

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Hi guys,


I'm wondering if someone can help me out. Basically I had no problems deploying Barracuda Malware Removal Tool but since version got updated to software seems to be auto-updating itself after the silent install is completed. Now, there is no issues with the auto-update but I cannot silently close the window telling me the definition database was successfully updated. Here is how this window looks:





Does anyone have any suggestions on how to close this window silently during deployment or don't run auto-update so the problematic window doesn't appear? I'm happy to run auto-update as a separate step at later stage.


On version install command used to be:

START /WAIT b-mrt-setup-1.46.exe /verysilent

and to update after the install:

"%ProgramFiles%\Barracuda\Barracuda Malware Removal Tool\bmrt.exe" /update -silent

which worked beautifully.



I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.






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