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Hello, I've been ignoring this problem for the last year but seems like some malware went through so I'm starting to get concerned.

I have repeatedly followed the MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

My MBAM works well in Administrator mode, even running it while in standard user, but the Real-Time Protection does not work in Standard User

I've tried right-clicking the tray icon to turn on the checkmark, and enabling the Malware Protection option under Settings, however the Dashboard continues to report lack of Real-Time Protection

Could someone help me look into this?

DIagnostic Logs are attached. Thank you.




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  • Root Admin

Hello and :welcome:


Wow, this computer is having many issues according to the logs. We'll try to get you sorted out but this might potentially boil down to a Windows reinstall.


You may wish to read the following as well.

The complexity of finding, preventing, and cleanup from malware


I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and having one of the Experts assist you with looking into your issue.


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Hmm.. Looks like the mystartsearch adware is causing issues and after removing it manually, now MBAM is working fine again..

Not sure what happened there..

Just realized that MBAM cannot properly quarantine/fix items if I use standard user, I had to run search and login with administrator for it to properly clean up stuff on restart..

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  • Root Admin

Yes and no. If installed and scheduled for updates and scans with an Admin account it can scan and clean the computer under that accounts scheduled scans. If using a limited user account to run a scan then it can only fix items that it has rights to. So on demand scans should be run with Admin rights.


But those logs sure seem to indicate a lot of issues are going on with the computer. Many that have nothing to do with MBAM. I'd still recommend you have someone help you scan the system.

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