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trojan.smspy.hy detection listed cannot be removed

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My Mobile Malwarebytes notified me of an android/trojan.smspy.hy detection in /system/app/BasicSmsReceiver/BasicSmsReceiver.apk. When I select it and then the Delete button, however, Malwarebytes asks me if I want to uninstall the app and then fails to remove it when I confirm the removal.

I can't find anything about this detection via a search on Google or Malwarebytes.org. Is this a valid detection or possibly a false positive? If valid, what are my next steps?

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I should add that I too am using a Nexus 7, and I updated to Lollipop within the last week, so maybe it's a false detection due to something on the Nexus 7 devices or Nexus devices running Lollipop?

Also, I have only installed Adobe Photoshop within the last couple of days, through the Google Play store, which Malwarebytes Mobile ok'd. So, I don't think that's the culprit, however, on Friday, I did update a number of apps through the Play store - Gmail, Google, Google Maps, My Fitness Pal, and some others.

Maybe those updates caused Malwarebytes to think I have an infection?

Bp1945 - did your Nexus do similar updates, to your knowledge?

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I updated to Lollipop very recently too, and I have had updates in the last few days, though I didn't notice which apps were involved.  (I don't have Adobe Photoshop or My Fitness Pal so we can definitely rule those out as culprits.)   


I think you are right and this is going to turn out to be a false positive due to something added to our machines during a recent app update.

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I can also report the same problem on two devices. A Nexus 7 (2013) LTE and a Nexus 7 (2012) HSPA.


Both recently updated to Lollipop and I do not recall installing any new apps lately, just updates to existing apps.


Malwarebytes recently reports the Trojan.SmsSpy.hy on both devices. I've since installed Bitdefender on both devices and that tells me that both devices are fine.

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This issue is still being reported each time Malwarebytes Mobile scans on my Nexus 7. I'm guessing that since others have used additional scanners and come up clean, it's a false positive specific to the N7s running Android 5.0.2. All the same, can someone from Malwarebytes reply to this thread to confirm whether it's a false positive on our Nexus devices or whether we should just kick our devices back to factory to get rid of a legitimate infection?

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Hello Everyone,


In regards to this detection it is a false positive. We have updating our database and this should not happen anymore. Make sure to update your database on your phone and check to see if you are still seeing this.

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