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So every so often (every other day this week) the scheduled threat scan will run twice. I have it set to run every night at 11pm and to repeat if missed within an hour. Often times this is fine, it runs and that's that. Every now and then the scan will run and then 10 or so minutes again run again. The scan completes successfully both times. This has been happening for a little bit, since I changed the scan from 12am to 10pm a few weeks ago.


To try and fix it I deleted all scheduled tasks (check for updates every 30 minutes and threat scan) and remade them. this time I made the scan to start tonight at 11pm. It ran shortly before 11 for some reason (10:47pm) and then again just after 11pm.


It's not a seriously problem since the scan does run and always completes but it's kind of annoying and if there's an easy way to fix it I'd like to do so.




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  • Root Admin

Well the logs do not show a duplicate schedule which is what I was expecting to potentially see. Let me have you try a clean removal and reinstall please.


Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x


Then activate and run it for a couple days and let me know if that resolves the issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good to hear it's not on my end then, either way I'm not too worried since the scans run successfully and my system's robust enough that I don't even notice them scanning. Re-installing did nothing to fix the issue, everything runs as normal though. Also I'm not sure yet as I just noticed it, but if "recover task if missed by" is checked after a scan the next scheduled scan will say the same date/ time as the scan that just happened. But if its not checked the day increments to the next day for the next scheduled scan, not sure if it's relevant information but its something I noticed.

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