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Program Crashes When Updating Scan Settings

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I'm very frustrated with the program as when I try to update the automated scan settings, it crashes the program and the new settings don't "stick."  Somehow the frequency was changed to hourly and I tried to reset it to daily and once a day. Every time I clicked the OK button, the program crashed without saving the settings.


I reinstalled the program and it still crashed... but I guess I lucked out and it saved it back to hourly.


This isn't a once and a while crash... it did it about 7 times in a row. I hope you are able to fix it. My program version is 2 0 4 1028





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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes :)

Let's try this first....

Thank You,


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First... I've never been able to find the "attach" command/button/whatever. What I'd like is to have an e-mail address, perhaps with Malwarebytes.com support people so I can find the files... which brings up a question... where, exactly, do I find these log files?


I'm not trying to be difficult, but Malwarebytes... I've uninstalled it, reinstalled it, and it still crashes quite frequently. Like it's become a very buggy program. For example, it shows it hasn't logged a scan for about a week, so when I ran a manual/started scan, it completed, then promptly crashed the program, and it didn't log the scan that had just been completed. I'm tired of trying to work with a program that used to work just fine... when I think at least part of the problem is a finnicky program that can't protect its self from an old xp pro os.


Is there a direct phone number I can call and have one of their techs, unless you can solve it, walk me through what I need to do so the program won't continue to "excuse itself" all the time?




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