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Hi Denka, 


I also answered in the malware forum.


Unfortunately this detection is on system app and cannot be removed without root, you might be able to disable the app through  settings. These apps have been appearing on Chinese devices and the Trojan is added as part of the system bloatware. I would suggest looking to return the phone, if possible, or finding a more reputable ROM to install over. 


Sadly if you cannot return to where you purchased the only other options are installing a different ROM or root device and removing, and these are advanced user steps. Kinda what the bad guys intend, hide in plain site and make it difficult to remove for the user.


Android Setting > Apps > locate com.android.server or CloudsService.apk > Disable (Hopefully its available)





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Hi Denka, 
I also answered in the malware forum.
Unfortunately this detection is on system app and cannot be removed without root, you might be able to disable the app through  settings. These apps have been appearing on Chinese devices and the Trojan is added as part of the system bloatware. I would suggest looking to return the phone, if possible, or finding a more reputable ROM to install over. 
Sadly if you cannot return to where you purchased the only other options are installing a different ROM or root device and removing, and these are advanced user steps. Kinda what the bad guys intend, hide in plain site and make it difficult to remove for the user.
Android Setting > Apps > locate com.android.server or CloudsService.apk > Disable (Hopefully its available)


Hi thanks for the quick awnser this is my first android actually.. I have routed the tablet but i wonder if its better to install a new ROM and do i need to install a specific ROM?

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Since you now have root you can try deleting the file itself, although that could cause some issues as it might be linked to features on the device. I found one write up that offers a tool to remove.





A great resource for custom ROMs is XDA, you'll need to search out one that works on your device.



Please use caution when using these advanced tools, use at your own risk. XDA Forum users can help  with questions.



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I have an android tablet with the same problem it has a com.android,server trojan virus and I have tried countless times to disable it but I can't the disable button is faded out and I can't do anything about it


Here is the info about this problem



[Virus] Trojan


Classification: Android.Troj.Ckoudsota.z

Install Date: Jul 15 2014


another note is that I just got this tablet yesterday

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Hi FireJbrix,


Yeah, it seems like you got a bad one, I would see if you could return and exchange for something better. There were a batch of bad ones on Amazon http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/cloudsota-trojan-malware-on-cheap-tablets-amazon/.


Or, you can try to install a custom ROM if on is available for your device.





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