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Every part of the US will have some kind of problem.  Earthquakes, mud slides, forest fire, hot, cold, floods, yada, yada.....


Boston might have some snow but see the attached PowerPoint Slide to see some real snow and ice from Europe.



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Is it really that bad in CA?

Not really Twin. I was just teasing Ron.




The above link points at the current earthquake list for California/Nevada in the last week. Most folks will never feel any of them on the list and not do any damage.


I can not conceive of moving away from this area of the world. Check some of Ron's breathtaking California photos and I doubt he wants to leave either.


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Its amazing how white that snow looks!!!


In some parts of Russia and China it isn't that bright a "white".



That's right.  Put it in "perspective".

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I had a situation once when there were about half a meter of snow on my roof. When it started to come down at 6.00am when we all were asleep, house started to shake like it was a earthshake :D


My house also got hit by a lightning 10 or 15 years ago, it torn out all cables and broke all windows. Telephone line was pulled out buried one meter deep in the ground. Ground pieces were scattered 20 meters around the house :D. Luckily we decided to visit our friends in last moment so we were not at house when that happened.

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You cannot imagine what kind of power did this. It actually didn't hit the house directly, but concrete pillar 5-10 meters away from the house.


I think insurance or some kind of fund covered all costs, I am not sure, but as I remember we paid nothing.


Scientists have calculated that one lightning could power my city for 7 days and 7 nights, if its power could be collected :D

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  • Root Admin

Back in the 70s when I was in Germany I drove an armored personnel carrier and parked it in the mountains for our camp area and it was so warm I decided to sleep on top of the track that night. I was in a mummy bag and when I woke up I was having labored breath as there was about a foot of snow on top of me.

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at 0530 it is -20F in northern minnesnowta .

heading outside to plug the car in so it will be warmed up by 0800 .


addendum ... i need to order up a new brass monkey ...

yep , i forgot and left it out last night .

Sounds pretty much like what we've got here (somewhere in Quebec). I love it. Made a bad choice today when going for a walk in -10F (-30 windchill) : opted for the heavy down parka over a t-shirt, instead of lighter down parka with microfiber layer. Had to pace myself because of the heat building up inside the expedition weight parka lol.

Should get down in the -30s tomorrow morning. If so, no school buses until noon because of the heavy water vapor coming out of exhaust pipes, blinding approaching drivers who could hit kids crossing streets trying to get on the bus.

The colder it is outside, the whiter the snow. Beautiful up here this year because it's been very cold for weeks now.

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No doubt it's beautiful Mark. I'm pretty good with the cold in general. I wore a t-shirt for most of my trip in Alaska and rarely wear one here in CA.

Seeing and visiting the snow is awesome. Living it in.. not so much for me. Get tired of slipping and falling on the ice and digging your way out, etc. As someone said each area has pros and cons and what we are accustomed to I suppose.

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10-4 there Ron.


Here it's mostly cold and dry, with relatively light snow accumulations (3 feet on the ground, give or take depending on the year). So we hardly ever get more than 8-10 inches per episode ; nothing like the 3 feet in 2 days they got in Boston, or I don't remember how much in Buffalo earlier this winter. We're far from big water, which explains the dry and boring weather, heh.

I remember your Niagara Falls trip last year, with plenty of snow IIRC. Must feel strange for you guys.

I can stand the heat, but not for prolonged periods. My favorite house chore : snowblower !!!!

Different strokes...

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I can stand the heat, but not for prolonged periods. My favorite house chore : snowblower !!!!

Different strokes...


I like shoveling snow.  It is good exercise. 

1 Aspirin prior

1 Aspirin after

and a shot of JD with the meal after the work.

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