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Improve links in MBAM interface...

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The MBAM interface has links to the Malwarebytes blogs:




While I like these links, there are some permission issues when the link is opened in the browser.


On my system, MBAM had been started as admin by a standard user logged on, utilizing the "Run as administrator.." option of Windows 7.


Following the Chameleon link in the picture for example will open the default browser that inherits the program's access level. Since the program runs with local admin right, the browser will open with local admin rights without warning. That's a bad idea, even if one trust MBAM links. While the blog website in itself does not have advertisements and certainly/hopefully no malware; however, it does have twitter links. These links open in new browser tab that also have local admin access rights. Link hopping could quickly escalate without the end user realizing that the all the browser tabs have local admin rights. And these links may not be as trustworthy as MBAM sites...


On the other hand...


If the non-admin account has the default browser open, with standard access right, the MBAM link opens a new tab in this user's browser with standard access rights.


Shouldn't MBAM open the blog links in the default browser with standard user access rights only? Or at the very least, shouldn't it warn the end user that the browser will be opened with local admin rights?


Yes, I do understand that the end user need to be careful and pay attention; however, this is easy to overlook. Especially when people are using their trusted anti-malware software and they are sort of at ease...

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