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programs NOT to close in task manager

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I'm trying to speed up my old pc by closing as many programs as I can in
task manager to maximize available cpu for a 3-D modeling progam
that is a real hog. As it stands it barely works, I get frequent low memory
warnings and it crashes frequently.

Can anybody tell me which entries in Task Manager MUST be kept open
to insure full functunality of Malwarebytes? I'm sorry, but I'm not
very tech savvy and it's all gobbledygook to me. It would help if the
names in the Task Manager list were the same as the names of the
programs in question, but often they're not.

I'm running Malwarebytes Anti-malware premium


PS I'm still using windows xp. Yeah, I'd like to upgrade, but can't afford it.

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Hello and :welcome: :
As we are not in front of your computer, we would need to see some basic logs in order to be able to answer your question.
So, I would suggest the following, at least for starters:

  • Please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt).
  • You might want to check some of the suggestions in this pinned topic -- it hasn't been updated in a while, but most of the suggestions would still apply, especially to an XP system: Slow PC? - Start here
  • Please be aware that older systems may be limited by hardware (CPU speed, RAM, etc), not just by installed software.

Thank you.


P.S. As your inquiry doesn't seem to be specifically related to issues with installing or running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM), the forum moderator team may move this post to the "General PC Help" section. No worries, though. ;)

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"...P.S. As your inquiry doesn't seem to be specifically related to issues with installing or running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM), the forum moderator team may move this post to the "General PC Help" section. No worries, though. ;)..."


I'm puzzled by what you say about my inquiry not being related to running Malwarebytes, because I asked what programs I need to leave open in task manager to keep it running, but I'll try to get you those diagnostic logs, if I can figure out how...


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I may have misunderstood, as I thought your question was more of a generic one about speeding up a slow XP system.

I apologize for that.

(Either way, it doesn't matter. :) )


In any event, please post back with the 3 diagnostic logs when you are ready.

Running those 2 scanners will only take a few minutes.

The instructions look harder than they are.

The logs will help us to better help you.


Thank you,

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No, I'm afraid that's not possible.

We are not in front of your computer.

There is no way for anyone to know what is or isn't installed or running.

So there is no way to know what to uninstall or disable.


If you would like help, we'll need to see those logs, at least for starters.


If that's not an option, then you might need to ask a computer-savvy friend or relative to help you, or perhaps take the computer to a local shop?


Thank you,

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