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After starting a Scan using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium it Stops at 149 System Drivers and then says all the other checks are done and green. Have reloaded program, run in Safe Mode and Reloaded, no luck. Same issue.


One time reloading program in safe mode seen a Error and said something about Rootkit not loaded and would load on restart. Cannot get a full good scan of Hard Drive.


Get Scanner Failed - Error Code 6 too and Failed scan.


Sent a Email to Malwarebytes 2 days ago and no anwer yet so


Next - tried reading some answers here - Tried using the Malwarebytes Clean program to remove all of Malwarebytes - does not work completely - how I know is when I reinstall my Keys for Premium are still there and from what I read they should have been completely removed.


So I am at a loss of what to try next????



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Hello xavier56 and :welcome:

  • Please read the following and individually attach the 3 requested logs in a reply to this thread: Diagnostic Logs.
  • The 3 files, from Step 1, to be individually attached from your desktop are: CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt. Please do not Copy and Paste them into a reply.
Thank You. :)
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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes

Being that you are infected (at least with some PUP's) and are running multiple Security apps that all have to be dealt with, you will have to get one on one help, feel free to follow the instructions below to receive free, one-on-one expert assistance in checking your system and clearing out any infections and correcting any damage done by the malware.

Please see the following pinned topic which has information on how to get help with this: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers

Thank you

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