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Generally you will not need to reboot after uninstalling.  The Client Push Install pane will notify you if it is necessary.


And yes, you are able to just install over an existing client if the installation is a new version, otherwise it will state the most current version is installed.  Just use the Client Push Install tab to install over the top!


Let me know if this helps.

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So the key is that a new version of a client can be installed over top of an older client.  In terms of rebooting, it has been my experience that removal of a Malwarebytes client, regardless of whether it is the managed one or not, requires a reboot before the client can be pushed out.  Our endpoints are all Windows 7 machines.

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  • 3 months later...

Update:  I finally realized what I was doing wrong.  If you want to install an updated managed client over an existing one, don't try using the Simulate Client Install option first.  Go right to Client Push Install and it should install unless there are other issues.

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