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Problems with using NTREGOPT


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My machine has been a bit slow lately so I started using your software to fix what I can. I started using  NTREGOPT and had some trouble with the software finishing up. See attached to see the error message. 




UPDATE- It has been a couple of days and no one has made a reply. I would appreciate knowing why.



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I get the same errors..4-5 + errors each time I run it. Which I posted last year.  Using windows 7 (and yes I am rt. mouse clicking as admin on these two programs) 


http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/ regards...


EDIT: Like it says in post no. #7 by Advanced Setup, its old software


https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/137267-erunt-ntregopt-on-windows-7-error/ post last summer.....

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Hello yardbird,


Thanks for the reply. I have visited the slow pc tutorial with software down loads to help speed up my machine. This is the first time  NTREGOPT did not successfully complete.


I went to  https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/81990-slow-pc-start-here/


Should I just move on to the other software programs offered at the above url? 



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This is a great post: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/81990-slow-pc-start-here/ I would avoid looking for another Registry Optimizer like  NTREGOPT              Theres been lots of conversation here about it. I've seen posts that said MS does not support any software for that (a few years ago)  If your PC is: " My machine has been a bit slow lately"

I would think about posting logs and let the experts look at the scans. You can find all the info on this page: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/9573-im-infected-what-do-i-do-now/    Try your Disk Cleanup tool also.....  I posted logs and found I had an issue and did not know about it.  Good luck ,  regards

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My best advice is to post logs in Malware Removal Help,  example: my scans came up clean but I had an issue with 2-3 programs that were not up-dated or were clashing with each other.  As Honorary members I can't ask you to try a fix.... or post logs..   I've been on this site off/on since 2008....  Maybe someone else has an idea for you?  take care

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I would gladly go but if I recall, one of the techs here have to invite me there and put it through the testing I wouldn't dare do by myself. I hope someone will be kind enough to help me there (sigh).

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I restarted my machine and ran the software as administrator as I have done before. It worked this time because I repeatedly kept clicking to continue with the test and it finally completed with good results. Now that I have that done I will continue to the rest of the programs at the slow computer tutorial.


Just so you know, I had a slow desktop and laptop because I had both HpHosts and HostsMan running together. Steven at HpHosts website had me uninstall HpHosts and both machines are actually doing well. I was going through the slow pc tutorial because I figured it couldn't hurt.

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