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How effective is Malwarebytes against Crypto malware?


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Hello and :welcome: :
Only Malwarebytes staff and malware experts can specifically answer your question.

So we will need to wait for them to respond.

And no one security product, not even MBAM Premium, can possibly protect against 100% of all of the many, ever-changing malware variants in the wild.

This is explained in detail here: The complexity of finding, preventing, and cleanup from malware

However, you might find some helpful info here, in these recent posts:


As just another home user unaffiliated with the company, I would not consider operating a Windows PC without the added protection of MBAM Premium alongside my anti-virus.  It is a sound investment and much cheaper than the cost and aggravation of trying to recover lost data.


Thank you,


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  • Root Admin

I believe daledoc1 has provided some great links to information that you should read up on as those links should provide you with the information you're looking for. Here below are some other links you may find of value about our other product MBAE

MBAE Exploits How they work

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit in action

Product information for Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit

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