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MBAM Anti-Exploit & Avast+MBAM Pro ?

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Hello thekochs,


I don't use Avast, but I do run Malwarebytes anti exploit, MBAM, Kaspersky internet security, CryptoPrevent, and Open DNS, they all play nicely together.


I hope this helps.

Yes it does.....I assume by MBAM you mean MBAM Pro with active shields ?

Also, can you explain how Exploit looks/works ?......active program in task bar, database updates, only in browser as plugin, what ?

I've read the description on the MBAM webpage but looking for a more detailed "in use" explanation.


Thx !

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Yes, I meant MBAM Pro with active shields.


I'm by no means an expert, I'm sure another user a lot more qualified than me will chip in here, but I'll try and answer your questions.


MBAE is a stand alone program and does not need to be installed additionally as a pulgin or addon into the browser. The program appears in the system tray near the clock (bottom right of the screen).  There is no database so no need for frequent updates.  You can create custom shields, so any program not covered with the default settings can be added separately.

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Thx....I found a good YouTube video on how it works showing CryptoWall........tried to post URL and did not show.


Anyway, last question........how does it update ?

I assume MBAM will have program update from time to time......does the program auto-check ?

I know MBAM Pro does but wondering how/if MBAE FREE will ?



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