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What Anti-Virus Software runs compatibly with Malwarebytes?

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I have recently loaded MalwareBytes and it helped me eradicate the malware fiasco that was holding me hostage, long enough to reloard windows and wipe my hard drive clean by reloading Win 7. It seems to be working however I am concerned that I need anti-virus software to help prevent malicious downloads. Any good suggestions?

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Hello and :welcome: :


I presume you are talking about Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM), not Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (MBAE), which is a different, complementary product?


Yes, you do need a robust, real-time anti-virus (AV), either free or paid, with MBAM Premium:

Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software?


There is no one "best" choice for AV for every computer, user and budget.

MBAM is designed to run alongside all of the popular AVs.

Here are some possibilities, and links to other resources that discuss the subject:

List of well known antivirus products


Thank you,


P.S. The mod team may move this thread to the MBAM Help section or another area, as it does not seem to be about MBAE. No worries, though. :)

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