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When my premium version of Malwarebytes detects a Malicious Website, it blocks it as it should.


But at the same time in History>Application logs everything is deleted from the past Protection Logs and scans. A new Protection log is started with the entry of the Maicious Website it has blocked.


How do I manage to keep the History complete so I can check back on past logs?


I might never find your answer unless you can send me an email to and tell me how to find your answer when I log back on.

Edited by AdvancedSetup
Removed email addresss to prevent mail harvesting
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Hello and :welcome:

Let's try this first.... (this corrects most issues)

Thank You,


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Thank you Mr Hawkins for sending me the email with a direct link to my questions. I have saved the email and the link so I can keep going back to it. Forgive me for being slow but I am an old man and not really great with computers.


A note also to Firefox whose advice is above your entry above. I have very carefully followed your instructions (and I might add with great stress, only because of my insecurity with computers) and I have downloaded and run the remove program, doing all the things you mention in the process, i.e. turning my AVG off and on again. I reinstalled Malwarebytes premium and put in my Licence and ID, ran it, set up a daily schedule and then rebotted the computer as your instruction says and yes, all is well and it is in the task tray running.


I will only know if the original problem that all my  History>Application logs are deleted from the past when there is another "attack" to my computer when Malwarebytes blocks a Malicious Website. That was when the problem occurred. Recently there have been frequent attempts but none in the past 72 hours so I will not know if the problem is solved until there is another block. I will keep you informed and if the history>apps are removed I shall then try to attach the 3 logs you asked me for. So please don't give up on me yet.


Thank you so much.  Anthony, Sydney, Australia

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Thanks for the added info and we look forward to your next reply to let us know if your issue is resolved or not. Also by any chance, do you have CCleaner installed on your computer? The new version of CCleaner has a new monitoring feature that can delete temp files and log files automatically on a scheduled date and time. If you do have this and its configure to clean the Malwarebytes files that could explain what is happening.

If you do not have CCleaner installed disregard the info about it.

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Old is a state of mind, regardless of what you hear.  We're here to take care of your needs if we can.  The only way that you can feel more secure with computers is by working with them more.  The more you use them, the more comfortable you feel.  The more you accomplish, the better you feel.  Its just like life...you stay on the sidelines, and its scary.  Just learn where you need to ask questions to keep your comfort level moving forward and you're doing okay,  We're here for you!

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