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I am a reseller and now it is about time to begin processing renewals

When will this be fixed?


I just got a renewal offer email for a bulk purchase I made for 10 keys 10 months ago... ummm how is this supposed to work? Is the program ever going to alert the end users?


There is no way to tell if a key is lifetime or subscription...not even when looking at the "My Account" tab on the activated premium program. Why not?

The "My Account" panel also does not even show any mention of a subscription or the expire date? why not?

This is all it shows:
Identifier: <key id>
Key: ******
State: Licensed
Activated on : 03/26/2014 10:14:10

The word subscription or lifetime does not even show there anywhere in the user interface.

Yes I have been selling hundreds of consumer lifetime keys for 4 years. And now today I have purchased and installed many subscription keys for my customers.

All show as the same in "My Account" on the program.

I am also a carbonite reseller and when I activate carbonite, the "My account" window shows it is a Subscription, the activation date, and the expire date. I am expecting MBAM to do the same or I have no way to tell my customer when it expires or what key type it was activated with, especially later on if the machine comes in and I need to service it..


I know what you are go into say "A future update will address this", really? when? Should be about now then because I just not a renewal email from the wholesale portal. You are late!


Thanks for any help



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Please send me a private message with your name, business name and contact information.  I will send that and the content of this forum post to the people who handle both renewals and resellers in our Sales department.  They can access your account information and give you specific information.  I would only be able to give you generalized information, and you're looking for more than that.


I'll be looking for that private message.  Thanks!

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