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Malwarebytes on android says could be Riskware ? or something



Says Android/PUP.Riskware.SMSReg.gc not sure what this is

AND I keep getting a message:
You have downloaded application but not installed

*APUS Launcher

with some Chinese text under it
I have no idea what this is and cannot seem to get rid of it
Also malwarebytes screen that tells me about the possible detection seems to activate a poppup ad

If I try to delete this detected item it won't let me.

It says Uninstall app MTKMusicProvider

Do you want to uninstall this app ?

Uninstall unsuccessful


Takes me back to the view results screen for malwarebytes again
what is this



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Please be sure that the latest signature updates are installed.


Open the Malwarebytes Mobile app.


Go to Settings > Scheduled Updates and click on the Force Update option.


If the issue persists.


Please provide the following:


What is your device make and model?


What Version of Android O/S?


Is your device rooted?


What version of Malwarebytes Anti-Virus mobile are you using?


To find the application version number open Malwarebytes and go to the About section.

If possible, please provide a screenshot of the notification you are seeing that that it can be investigated.


Thank you.

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