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Hello GlobalPostProfile and :welcome:


As with any windows application graphical user interface (GUI), you may use your mouse pointer to grab the borders/corners and resize/reposition the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM) window to suit your needs.


When you then close the window, the MBAM GUI will remember the size/position you had set and return to those dimensions and position.

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Hello GlobalPostProfile and :welcome:


As with any windows application graphical user interface (GUI), you may use your mouse pointer to grab the borders/corners and resize/reposition the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM) window to suit your needs.


When you then close the window, the MBAM GUI will remember the size/position you had set and return to those dimensions and position.

As I mentioned in the thread, I can not use my pointer to re-size on the left and right sides of the application, only top and bottom.

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Try from the corners, also you can drag the window to the right, and try to resize for the right side, or as mentioned in my earlier post, double click the title bar...

Also have you changed your DPI settings for your display, this can affect the MBAM app as well. There is a known bug on that and it will be fixed in a future program update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Try from the corners, also you can drag the window to the right, and try to resize for the right side, or as mentioned in my earlier post, double click the title bar...

Also have you changed your DPI settings for your display, this can affect the MBAM app as well. There is a known bug on that and it will be fixed in a future program update.

What is DPI? (I may just wait until an update anyways.)

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