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I have a web site exclusion in settings - don't know where it came from.

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Looking in Anti-Malewarebytes under settings/Web Exclusions, there is a site listed.  I've never heard of it, don't ever recall looking at it or encountering it (in other words, never heard of it before this moment), and i wonder why it is listed in exclusions.  has some malware penetrated and put it there?


The site is listed in two forms.




Of course i can remove it from exclusions.  But, please advise if you have an idea how this happened, and if it is cause for additional worry.


What caused me to "be concerned" and even look is that when doing a google search, simply at "google.com" it popped up a captcha and said it was testing to see if i was really a person, as requests that violate my google terms of service are coming from my computer (I am a normal, "personal" user and doubt i would violate google terms of service).


Please advise.




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Hello and :welcome:
Please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)
It might also help to see an MBAM PROTECTION and/or SCAN log from the day in question -- instructions for attaching such a log here in this thread are at the bottom of this post.

How to get scan or protection logs:
(Export log to save as a txt file for posting in the forum when requested)

  • Open MBAM.
  • Click on the HISTORY tab > APPLICATION LOGS.
  • Double-click on the SCAN log AND/OR PROTECTION log which shows the date (and time) of the scan in question or protection log you are asked to post.
  • Click EXPORT.
  • Click TEXT FILE (*.txt)
  • In the "Save File" dialog box which appears, click on DESKTOP.
  • In the FILE NAME box, type a name for your scan log.
  • A message box named "File Saved" should appear, stating that "Your file has been successfully exported".
  • Click OK.
  • Attach the saved log to your next reply.
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