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Scanning since more than 2 days?!

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I hope you can understand my poor English because my native language is German, and Italian.


As instructed by the trojanerboard.de MBAM Trial is scanning with the custom scan and default settings my system(Win7, admin account, fully updatet with Avast Free, Spybot S&D and CCleaner disabled, more than 2 days and it's still incomplete.The scanner progress bar showed up last night an advance of about 75%. This morning I noticed that the progress bar no longer displays, but a blue bar goes through and the elapsed time were on 4 hours, but the scanner ran mor than 17 ours. Now the scan dialog shows scanned objects more than 850,000 and is still running, detected objects 0, elapsed time more than 23 ours and currently scanning filesystem objects.

At trojanerboard they said, it's a litte bit long but try with installing the above mentioned version, than try with rebooting the system, try the next suggested program.

Is this normal or is someting going wrong?


3 days ago I scanned my system with the beta version even for over 20 hours without detected objects and not completed. As instructed I've aborted the scan and have installed the obove mentioned version.


I scanned my system a few weeks ago with MBAM, Avast Bootscan, Spybot S&D and adwcleaner. I don't remember what exactly the programs found, but I did the proposed cleanup. Unfortunately, without solving my problems. Because I disinstalled after that all the antimalwareprograms I don't have logs.


In the last days I used, as instructed by trojanerboard.de the following programs:

  • Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST)
  • Defogger
  • Gmer
  • Avast bootscan
  • Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit
  • TDSSkiller


My problems are:

  1. very slow system boot and shutdown
  2. very slow program start, all
  3. very slow connection to the network(router) and the internet
  4. very slow website loading, all
  5. when entering text into the Google search bar these freezes often and for a few seconds before I can continue to write
  6. the Windows Explorer crashes often und Windows restart it automatically

In the hope of your quick reply, I thank you in advance for your efforts


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Hello Sparko and :welcome:

Your post reads like the computer is probably still infected and malware removal actions are not permitted in this sub-forum.

I recommend following the advice from the topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and have one of the Malware Removal Experts assist you with your issue.

If, as recommended, you do open a topic in Malware Removal Help, please make reference to this thread.

If you would like to get off to a very fast start, the Malware Removal Experts would appreciate it if you would also Copy and Paste (not attach) both the FRST.txt and the Addition.txt output diagnostic reports from only Log Set 1 into your new topic.

Thank you. :)

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Hello P1W,

I did open this topic onlyto obtain an answer to my question and not for support/assistance for malware removal.



Is this normal or is someting going wrong?


I submitted this question, because I have the doubt for a program error when MBM scans more than 48 ours whitout results or messages on a  500 GB harddisk with approx. 260,000 files and a system with Celereon Core 2 Duo 2GHz, 32-bit, SATA and 4 GB Ram

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Does not really sound normal, but hard to determine without looking at logs.  It does seem as you are infected, and that help can only be provided in the section as already mentioned by 1PW above.


Having said that, what type of scan are you running? Is it a Custom (FULL) scan or a Threat Scan?

We would need more info on the system....

Please read the following and in your next reply ATTACH the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs

(the three files should be CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt)

Thank You,


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