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Security.Hijack svchost.exe?


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Hi, first: I really don't know if this should be posted here, but I think it should (more later).


I've just installed Windows 10 January Preview with Windows Update (had Windows 8) and of course, I ran security scans (I am paranoid). 


I ran one security scan yesterday on Windows 8 and nothing was found, I ran Hyper search and Malwarebytes found this:


HKLM/Software/WOW6432NODE/Microsoft/WINDOWS NT/CURRENTVERSION/IMAGE FILE EXECUTION OPTIONS/svchost.exe detected as Security.Hijack 






Both files are now in quarantine, I restarted W10 and my system runs fine, another scan (hyper and full) found nothing... so I am not really sure what to do now, are these files really malicious? I found nothing at all yesterday on Windows 8, so that's the reason I post it here, maybe a mod can move it, if it's malicious.


I hope you know what this is and should I delete the quarantined files? Thank you :)

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As we dont support windows 10 yet i would need a lot more information from you to try to resolve this.


Can you restore the detections above and then reboot.


Then please do a reg export of the above listed keys and attach them here so i can see why they were detected.


If you need assistance on how to export in the registry please let me know.



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