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will malwarebytes stop the emails telling me I have millions of dollars in africa just send processing fees


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This is not a malware issue so Moderators have moved the post to;  General PC Help


That is purely a case of email spam.


There is no Malwarebytes product that works with an email client to deal with spam.


Receipt of these types of emails has no dependency upon what is on your computer.  Malwarebytes products deal with files and exploit attempts attempting ingress and execution on a Windows or Android platform.


I would suggest using an email client that implements Rules and Regular Expression based filtering such that you can delete the spammed emails automatically.  That would greatly reduce what you would encounter.  My email client has a POP3 Filter.  That means I can apply a set of Rules such that the email client will read X Number of lines in the email and based upon the Body Contents or Header information and based upon the Rule, it will delete the email on the email server such that the spam never even gets downloaded.

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