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Which programs should I use?

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I always recommend Anti-Exploit.  The way I see it, there are an infinite number of things that can attack you.  If you block their method of attack, they can't get to you.  At the same time, if you build a better mousetrap, the mice inevitably get a bit smarter.  The battle doesn't end, but neither does the technology.  Do Anti-Exploit.

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Thank you for replying. I downloaded Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit and am liking the program so far.


Should I download superantispyware? I have a lot of programs right now and hear they can conflict with eachother. Will Avast, Malwarebytes, Malwarebytes Anti-exploit, Rougekiller, and superantispyware work together? 

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People with experience in more of those programs could tell you more than I could.


A general rule is that you cannot have multiple anti-VIRUS programs running at the same time, but you can combine one anti-virus with other anti-malware programs.  You can also combine multiple anti-malware programs.  The main reasons for these rules is that anti-virus programs create quarantine areas (and use methods) that competing anti-virus programs view as threats, and that each requires exclusions to get along with others.  When it comes to multiple anti-virus programs, methods overrule the need for exclusions.


Therefore, limit yourself to one main course and have one or more side dishes.

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