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Malwarebytes doesn't even detect AdChoices

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I run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium.


I've had a devil of a time dealing with AdChoices in nearly every browser, including Chrome and Firefox.


Malwarebytes doesn't even detect it. So I downloaded and installed a program called SpyHunter 4. It found a TON of stuff that concerned me, all of which had been missed by Malwarebytes scans. Problem is, SpyHunter wanted payment before it would expunge the malware, and I read up on them and discovered their tech support is virtually non-existent and they often don't give you validation codes in exchange for payment. So much for that option.


I keep Malwarebytes up to date. Why wouldn't it detect something like AdChoices? Is it not considered malware?


Thanks for any feedback....


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