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dns.exe outbound block

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I am using malewarebytes on a box that is used as a dns server for a few computers.  There is outbound traffic on the DNS.exe that is blocked (which is actually what I want) but I'm not exactly sure I understand what it means.


Examples from the logs:


Malicious Website Protection, IP,, 64518, Outbound, C:\Windows\System32\dns.exe

Malicious Website Protection, IP,, 64991, Outbound, C:\Windows\System32\dns.exe

Malicious Website Protection, IP,, ns2.hostkey.ru, 64852, Outbound, C:\Windows\System32\dns.exe


I'm not aware of any intrusions but obviously want to be over protective.  Since this dns is only available to computers on my network (and in my domain) I can only assume that there is someone with a problem.


Your thoughts appreciated!

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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes....

Sounds like this is being used on a file server, and Malwarebytes is really not designed to be used on a file server. Malwarebytes does have customers that use it on file servers, however they are using the business version of Malwarebytes.

Being that this is most likely a business, you need to post your questions in the business section of the forum Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Business.


NOTE: The use of the consumer version of Malwarebytes in a business is against the EULA, so proper licensing for business is required.

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