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malwarebytes premium freezes after user-initiated scan

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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes :)

Let's try this first....

Thank You,


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I uninstalled and then ran the clean-er tool. I'm not sure that was the right sequence.  When malwarebytes didn't re-appear afte re-booting, I reinstalled using my original copy of the installer, which updated to the current version and managed to pick up my license.  I ran the threat scan and was able to close down without incident.


Thank you for your  time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had this problem myself on two different PCs.


Yes the solution given works. BUT ONLY TEMPORARILY.


As MBAM 2.x does more scans something makes it start to freeze for a while after a scan finishes. Showing (Not responding) on the windows title if you try to interact with it). As the days passes the length of time it stays frozen slowly increases.


Thinking the most obvious thing that could be doing this was the log file directory slowly filling up I tried to delete some of the older log files. But that seems to be impossible. I can't even take ownership of them or anything. I've never seen anything like this before!?! Seemingly totally un-deletable files!


Can someone tell me how I can say, delete all but the last weeks log files so that I can investigate further?


Or maybe add the option not to keep files older then X days to the next version perhaps?


Or, even better, figure out what's going on so I don't have to and fix this bug.

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bdg2 everyone's computer is different, even though it sounds like the same issue, it may not have the same solution.... its best to start your own thread for help....


That being said you should be able to delete your log files from within the Malwarebytes program.  I suppose you can also delete older logs from the logs directory but in order to do that you have to make sure you do not have enable the Self Protection Module in Advanced Settings.  If you have that enabled you will not be able to delete any files that are related to Malwarebytes.


I tested this out and it works as I mentioned above.... my logs folder had over 600 files and I an not seeing any issues.

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I had over 700 log files but now I've deleted them and the problem is gone, for now.


I have seen this on TWO very different PCs.


Pretty much the only things in common is that they are both Windows 7 64 bit and use Microsoft Security Essentials and MalwareBytes Anti-Malware Premium.


Are saying you actually tested for this when you saw the above thread by interacting with MBAM as it was doing, say, a Hyper Scan and as it finished scanning you had had no problem continuing to get it to respond to mouse clicks, or are you just saying that on the few times you have in the past manually asked it to do a scan you didn't notice anything?

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I am saying that I have no issues with Malwarebytes on one computer with over 600 log files on one computer and another computer with about 1000 log files. I interact with the computer while scans are going on and within the program.

I also tested the deleting of log files manually both with self protection on and off. If self protection is on, you can not delete the log files manually.

That being said, if your having issues we can help as stated below.....

Problems that sound "the same" most often are not.

The same is true for solutions.

They most often need to be individualized.

It is less confusing for everyone if we try to stick to "one user per topic".

Please start a NEW, SEPARATE topic using the cjfj.png button. (where we can help you in your own topic)

The staff and experts will be able to more easily provide you with individual help to get you both up and running.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,


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Thank you but you clearly HAVEN'T EVEN READ AND UNDERSTOOD what was reported by me and turnermm.

This is exactly why I didn't start by own thread.

I suspected it would takes several messages before you even bothered to take in what I was trying to communicate properly and hoped that this would enable you to quickly see what I wanted to say.


You say "I interact with the computer while scans are going on and within the program".







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Regardless of what your issue is you need to start your own thread, I read your post, understand what your saying but the bottom line is this:


You are not following instructions in order for someone to help you.


START YOUR OWN TOPIC (Oh look I can type in all caps too)

Start your own topic, then post the required logs and we will help you individually. 


So once again, start your own topic and then post the 3 logs requested below...

Please read the following and in your next reply ATTACH the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs

(the three files should be CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt)

Thank You,


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All the more reason you should start your own thread.


This way you'll get the assistance you'll need and  turnermm  will get the needed assistance he/she deserves without confusion of multiple "me too" posts that can bring to the table.

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Let me put it bluntly...  YOU are being unfair to turnermm. If the shoe was on the other foot you would get the same courtesy.


The Malwarebytes' forum is not like other forums in that management does not allow a free-for-all.  We are about quality support and that means that in some regards individual problems must be segregated because in our experience this the best route.  All we ask is that you abide by the directions provided you.


To put it another way...  PLEASE.

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