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I've had malware issues.  Even got my credit card hijacked shopping online.  I have the free version of malwarebytes anti-malware software and I use AVG anti-virus.  I use google chrome browser.  I've been trying to run a java update for awhile now. My version is still 7 something.  After checking all over the java forums I was advised to use the "offline" installer.  No go.  I ran a scan with malwarebytes and found 3 new nasties, but no java installer will update my old version of Java.  Checking with the Google chrome forums I also find no help.  Only suggestions that something nasty is preventing me from updating java.  The reasoning is, this nasty has an exploit in the old version of java so part of what it does is prevent you from updating it.  


So to the question.  I've cleaned up everything that AVG or Malwarebytes finds, reboot, try again, and nothing.  Something is blocking me from updating Java.  Any help or ideas? mbam-log-2015-01-15 (09-22-47).xml

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Hello kiokigeisha and :welcome:

Your description suggests your system is probably still infected and malware removal actions are not permitted in this sub-forum.

I recommend following the advice from the topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and have one of the Malware Removal Experts assist you with your issue.

If, as recommended, you do open a topic in Malware Removal Help, please make reference to this thread.

If you would like to get off to a very fast start, the Malware Removal Experts would appreciate it if you would also Copy and Paste (not attach) both the FRST.txt and the Addition.txt output diagnostic reports from only Log Set 1 into your new topic.

Thank you. :)

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