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Maybe it's missing a file in the Registry. Microsoft put a message several times, there was too much stuff on my limited memory, and offered the automated cleanup, but I didn't accept. Within days, a message said, the hard drive would have to be repaired or replaced, and to back up the hard drive, which I did, about 9G . . . But I kept using my laptop, until now it only offers the steps to repair it. It boots into repair mode . . . Let me see if I see the screenshots I saved in my backup storage device . . .  This must be the last thing I saved before the backup:



Let me add, I am borrowing a computer to post this comment. Sometimes I go hours without access to a computer.

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The Registry is a Binary Tree whose leaves hold data having multiple tree trunks called Hives.  While a disk will represent the hive, as it appears to a user there are no files to go "missing" per se.  If a file that represents a hive is missing it will cause the OS different levels of fatal errors depending on which hive can not be loaded.


Go to "My Computer" Right-Click and choose "Manage" then choose "Device Manager"


Find "Disk Drives" and expand the list and and then capture the screen as I have done below and post the screen capture.





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No.  The ONLY thing I want to know, and you may be able to see it in the CMOS Setup of the identified platform is that make and Model of the hard disk in question and the platform information.


For example in the Device Manager screenshot I posted you can see one is a Toshiba and the other Western Digital (WD) and their respective model numbers.


If it is not booting correctly I want to know...


*  The Make and Model of the platform in question


*  The Make and Model of the hard disk in said platform

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*  The Make and Model of the platform in question

Is this what you are looking for?


 Instructions For Fixing Hard Disk Errors:

We strongly recommend that you backup your computer to avoid potential data loss.

After you have backed up your computer, you should contact your computer manufacturer or other hardware technical support to determine if the disk with errors needs to be repaired or replaced.

We recommend that you store these printed instructions together with the media used to back up your data (for example, the CDs or USB flash drive used to store your backup), so that everything you need to fix your computer is in one place.

The following information is provided to help the hardware technical support person diagnose the hard disk with errors.

Disk Name: WDC WD1200BEVS-60UST0 ATA Device

Volume: C:\;D:\


I ran a lot of ESETs and scans this past year. I could post one of my previous scans, or it is on one of the previous threads:




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Attached is a ZIP file that contains a CDROM ISO image of the Western Digital Diagnostics.
The objective is to extract the .ISO file from the ZIP file and use the ISO to burn a CDROM.
You will need Roxio, Nero or other 1third party software to burn a CDROM of the ISO image file.
* Insert the CDROM into the Presario F700
* Press the power button and watch the screen carefully.
* Hit the "F1" key as soon as you see the Compaq logo.
* Press the right arrow key until you see the "Boot" option. Press the down arrow until you see "Boot Device Priority."
* Select the CD-ROM drive using the down arrow key, then press the plus sign key until the CD-ROM drive is first in the priority order.
* Boot from the CDROM and run the diagnostics in the long ( Extended ) Mode.
**  Be prepared to write down any Error Messages.  If you are asked to do a repair, give the software authorization to perform the repair.
NOTE:     You have requested assistance to repair your hard drive.  This is it.  If it is beyond your capabilities or is outside your comfort zone, don't do it.
1.  Such as IMGBurn





Attachment removed 01-14-15

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NOTE:     You have requested assistance to repair your hard drive.  This is it.  If it beyond your capabilities or is outside your comfort zone, don't do it.

 Hi, No, I'm thrilled! It is not outside my comfort zone, if I follow directions carefully.


So, this isn't a small file I could save on a usb stick. I have to burn it onto a CDROM.



* Select the CD-ROM drive using the down arrow key, then press the plus sign key until the CD-ROM drive is first in the priority order.

When I get that far, I press shift/= sign on my keyboard, because the plus + sign is above the = sign, on the upper right. You said, press the plus sign. I know what the up/down arrows are.

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Hi, No, I'm thrilled! It is not outside my comfort zone, if I follow directions carefully.


So, this isn't a small file I could save on a usb stick. I have to burn it onto a CDROM.



When I get that far, I press shift/= sign on my keyboard, because the plus + sign is above the = sign, on the upper right. You said, press the plus sign. I know what the up/down arrows are.



I don't have a Compaq Presario F700 in front of me so I can't verify every instruction.  We can revise as needed for anything different and SPECIFIC to the Compaq Presario F700.


So, this isn't a small file I could save on a usb stick. I have to burn it onto a CDROM.


The objective is it is a Bootable CDROM.


If you want to create a bootable Flash Drive ( USB memory stick )  Power to 'ya.  I provided the ISO to make it a little easier for you.


( sometime in 2013 or so Western Digital stopped posting the ISO file in favour of just providing a DOS Diagnostic Executable )


Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for DOS

instructions for creating a bootable USB Flash Drive.

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For the record, I would like to write what happens if I start the laptop, after the Compaq logo appears in the beginning:


Launch Startup Repair (recommended)

Start Windows Normally [doesn't work]


Windows is loading files . . .


Microsoft Corporation


[dos window briefly appears, before a blue screen with a popup window:]


System Recovery Options

English (United States) [pulldown menu]

Select a keyboard layout

US [pulldown menu]

Buttons Next | Cancel [pressed Next]


System Recovery Options

Select an operating system to repair and click Next. Only Windows Vista operating systems are listed and can be repaired.


Operating System | Partition Size | Location

[field is empty]


If you do not see your operating system listed, click Load Drivers to load drivers for your hard disks.

Buttons: Load Drivers | Next>


If I click, Load Drivers, a popup labeled, Add Drivers appears. It says,


Insert the installation media for the device and click OK to select the driver

Buttons OK | Cancel [clicked cancel]


If I click, Next, the next screen box is:


System Recovery Options

Choose a recovery tool

Operating system: Unknown on (Unknown) Local Disk

- Startup Repair

Automatically fix problems that are preventing Windows from starting

- System Restore

Restore Windows to an earlier point in time

- Windows Complete PC Restore

Restore your entire computer from a backup

- Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool

Check your computer for memory hardware errors

- Command Prompt

Open a command promt window

- Recovery Manager

Recovery Manager 32 bits

Buttons: Shut Down | Restart

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Thanx for your suggestion. I don't think we are going to try anything fancy.


I gave you the instructions for a Botable DOS Flash Drive only because you kind of asked but, It is more PITA than anything.


It is a lot easier to burn the CDROM, boot off it and run the Extended Diagnostics.


I don't understand why WD stopped posting the ISO images.  That made life even easier.

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Continued from PM


When the System Recovery Tools were back, I clicked Recovery Manager to see what that was. It said,

Recovery Manager

Welcome to Recovery Manager


Use this program to recover your computer to the original factory conditions.

Recovery Manager


Factory Image Recovery

1. Reformatting the Windows partition of your hard disk drive

2. Reinstalling original content


SoftThink 2007

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So, I never did it your way, because after the System Recovery Tools were lost, clicking F1 only brought up internal diagnostic PhoenixBIOS screen. So I just took advantage of the Factory Image Recovery that is on the computer. Forgive me. I got tired of messing with it.


The trouble now Is, it's great! This is how it came from the factory in 2007. It has IE 7, which doesn't load forums.malwarebytes.org properly, so I am accessing here again from a borrowed computer.


Why don't I upgrade, you ask?


Because IE 7 browser can't upgrade to the lastest IE. Microsoft downloads page redirects to IE 9, but it says the OS is too old to use that.


Do you think if I uninstall IE7 and upload from the backup, IE9, which is what I had, will install okay?


Will my programs that I backed up install okay? Even paid version of malwarebytes is on that backup drive.


So is Photoshop.


Also, I should run a diagnostic to see if the hard drive is okay.

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