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Will MBAE protect against IE, Firefox, Chrome browser homepage HIJACKS?


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This week I was hit with VOSTERAN while running WinDefender and MBAM pro.  This was while downloading a FLASH update from a 3rd party site for a football video site.  I recognized it immediately, and disconnected the pc from my lan.  It replaced my Firefox homepage with VOSTERAN.com, and wrote many items in my profile folder and registry.  MBAM did not detect this in realtime, but it started finding many suspect files afterward during Threat Scan mode after I kicked it off.  Repeat, all this was while I was running under MBAM's REAL TIME PROTECTION!


So, would MBAE have protected me theoretically?  Will MBAE protect against at least against HIJACKs during drive by infections?  SuperantiSpyware's PRO product protects against these browser hijacks out of the box. 



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Hi Steel,


MBAE protects against exploit attacks. It does not care what the payload is (downloading and executing a malware, reverse shell, file-less payload, changing browser settings, etc.).


*IF* and only if the payload of the exploit is to change your browser settings then yes, MBAE would protect against this. But most likely it would not as this is the typical behavior post-infection.


More information here:


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