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Hello and welcome back:


Despite the somewhat misleading name for this forum section -- "Other Tools" -- the area is devoted to the discussion/support of other Malwarebytes tools and utilities, not to those developed by other companies or individuals. :(


Some of these tools -- especially rootkit scanners, such as GMER -- are designed to be run only with expert guidance, rather than on one's own.

They are very powerful and unguided use can lead to serious computer damage and difficult recovery.


It also appears that you had a recent topic in the malware removal section here?


I presume this is the same computer?

We cannot work on possible malware issues in this particular section of the forum.

So you might want to send a PM to the helper or to the forum Admin, asking that the other topic be reopened for further work.


Thank you very much,

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It's not a question of "rules". :)


This particular forum section is reserved for discussion of other Malwarebytes tools and products.

"GMER" is a tool prepared by someone else and hosted somewhere else.

So, we would not be able to assist with specific problems to fix the specific tool.

You would need to consult with the GMER developer for that, at the developer's website or at the hosting site or other forum.


The descriptions of each forum sub-section on the Community Home Page provide guidance as to appropriate topics for each area (see screen shot). :)


As you recently dealt with a malware removal issue in the malware removal section of the forum, that would be the place to return for further work on possible malware issues.

As your other thread was closed only a few hours ago, it is fine to ask that it be re-opened for further assistance.


I hope this helps.


Thanks again,


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