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Multiple scans


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To whom it may be concerned,


Please add this to the list of bugs with your current program that will hopefully be resolved in the next version.

I have a scheduled scan set to run daily.  Many days I will see that two scans were run in the same day.  I have not found a pattern as to when it will do this but I am sure it is somehow related to the "If Missed" setting related to the scheduled scan.  A scan runs because it was missed and then another scan runs maybe as the regularly scheduled scan (even though it is well past the scheduled scan time).  This has happened on multiple computers so I am sure it is a bug with the program.  It is enough of an issue that I hope it will be addressed.


Thank you.

edit:  Whoops I see I posted this in the wrong forum.  So Sorry.  Please move it to the general Malwarebytes Help forum.

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To whom it may be concerned,


Please add this to the list of bugs with your current program that will hopefully be resolved in the next version.

< snip >



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