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My setup

Windows 8.1 Update 1

Free version of MBAE 1.05.  I don't have the premium version, but if I did...


Is it a good idea to shield Windows system files, such as dllhost.exe and explorer.exe?  Or is it pointless to do this?


Let's say I download a .jpg file that can magically exploit Windows Photo Viewer.  When I open it, dllhost.exe is now running.  If it's shielded, then the exploit should be blocked.

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If a JPG exploits Windows Photo Viewer, you use MBAE to monitor Windows Photo Viewer.  DLLHost.exe would be ( in your scenario ) the result of a successful exploitation so that's not the solution.


It is the program/utility that is exploitable and is targeted by malicious activity that gets monitored by MBAE.

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It wouldn't make any sense to do it anyway.  That was just your scenario. 


The fact is JPG is a graphic format that is ubiquitous.  Therefore many applications and utilities can be associated to a JPEG by MIME or by the extension and thus would fail miserably as a vehicle for use in a exploitation attack.

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