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As of 90 minutes ago I can no longer use Chrome. every time I try to start it I get message that MAlwarebytes has blocked backddor.bot on Chrome.

The log is:


Detection, 1/6/2015 10:22:31 AM, Brian-User, BRIAN-PC, Protection, Malware Protection, File, Backdoor.Bot, C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe, Quarantine Failed, 5, Access is denied.  , [b877d91b0287063083e7b253a45e857b]


This is urgent as it happens on Chrome start and I can longer use chrome at all.


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This is bbrener's thread.
This was a False Positive that was reported on Tuesday, 01-06-'14, and was fixed the same day.
You are advised to update MBAM signatures.  If you are still having an issue, please start your own thread.

Please reference: Please read before reporting a false positive
Post #2

If you are not a member of Staff or Experts group please do not reply to other users posts in either the File or Web Blocking forums.

Thank you for understanding.

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