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I might have accidently infected my computer by clicking a link to streaming a show on a weird website.


But, Malware Antibytes isn't able to find it. When I run the computer in normal mode, malware says "Malicious site blocked" over and over when i boot up firefox. On task manager, i see many programs like imapi.exe, NAPSTAT.exe. upnpcont.exe, dvdregister.exe spammed, using high CPU.


Now, two hours later, malware antibytes refuses to open and chameleon fails. It will run in safemode, but malware antibytes (with 'scan for rootkits' enabled) and malware anti-rootkit fail to find anything wrong with the computer. I also scanned using the poweliks scanner to see if that was an issue and it didn't find anything.


Here are the two logs given from scanning via the farbar thing.




i just installed windows xp on this laptop about 2 months ago, so there's not many programs on the computer, so this really shouldn't be THAT Difficult to find...


Still, it's really scary this happened.




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  • Root Admin

We're sorry. It looks like your topic was somehow overlooked. Due to the length of time we'll go ahead and close this topic now but if you still actually need help please send a private message to one of the Moderators and we'll assist you.

Thank you and sorry we missed your topic.

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