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Malwarebytes N/A for Android 4.4.2 - workaround? 12.29.14

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@Malwarebytes Tech Support on Twitter has no solution, recommending peer-to-peer MWB forum assistance?


Craig CMP_765-AF tablet w/Android 4.4.2 pre-installed. Avast! Antivirus, History Eraser & all applicable updates on-board, configured.


MalwareBytes not available for this device anywhere on-line? No work around? No referral to a competitor?


FWIW Ad-Aware still has no Android Google Play App DL's available, WIN only.


Been using MWB on multiple devices, recommending to others & now it's N/A on Android 4.4.2? It's unlikely that this device's OS will be upgraded by manufacturer.


Craig's engineering department had no known solutions - they suggested they only use Apple devices and security software for PC's is unknown to them!


Any assistance, insights can only help. TY! 

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Welcome. :)


I'm a bit confused (that happens a lot when one reaches my age). :o


If you are asking about MBAM-Mobile for Android, I run it on both my 4.4.2 and my 4.4.4 smartphones.

AFAIK, it is available from Google Play and from the Amazon app store, according to the product main page >>Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile<<


If you are experiencing a compatibility or other technical problem installing or running it on your specific Android device, you might want to open a support ticket by following the requested steps >>here<<.

That's probably the best way to get prompt attention for your issue, as this particular section of the forum is reserved for support of the Windows-based products for PCs, not Android devices.

(There was a known issue with Wifi-only, non-sim card devices a few months ago, but I don't know if that has been resolved.)


I hope this helps,

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